Success stories
Millions of people (and animals) have found their lives transformed by homeopathy. Here are some of their stories…
Michael sought help for digestive issues
“I had been suffering from an assortment of digestive issues - stomach complaints, occasional gastroenteritis and acid reflux – for some time. The symptoms for these included...
Kate sought help for her infant daughter’s colic
“My daughter started to suffer from colic in the first week of her life. She was very unsettled and fractious and it was incredibly distressing to see her in constant discomfort....
Marion was stuck in a vicious cycle when homeopathy put her on the path back to health
“I started to suffer from burn out in September 2017, which initially presented itself as irregular heartbeat (AFIB). I also had significant digestive issues – I lost over 15 kg...
Michelle sought help for a chronic cough
“In 2020, I suddenly developed a persistent cough. My dad had recently been diagnosed with dementia and I’d contracted Covid a few times travelling to and from Malta. My mother...
Stephanie’s Story
Twenty years after treatment for chronic asthma and psoriasis, Stephanie remains symptom free. “I developed asthma in childhood. It was quite severe, especially at night when my...
Michelle’s Story
Michelle turned to Homeopathy after struggling with abdominal issues, sleep, and anxiety for many years. After several consultation and failed treatments Michelle found...
Annabel’s story
Homeopathy successfully treated my daughter’s asthma. “In 2021, my eight-year-old daughter Sonia developed asthma after contracting a viral infection. There was no history of...
Lesley’s story
Lesley turned to homeopathy to help with several chronic health problems. “In 2017, I went to my GP because I couldn’t lose weight, had no energy and my hormones were all over...
Janice’s story
Janice used homeopathy to help with her chronic fatigue and mobility issues “When I was a student, I was involved in a really bad car crash. I was crossing the road when a...
Anne’s story
Anne tackled her terrifying fear of heights with homeopathy "I can remember exactly when I first experienced acrophobia. I had taken my daughter to the ballet at Sadler’s Wells...
Lindsey’s story
A chance encounter with a homeopath changed the course of Lindsey’s life. “In 2012, I was living in Spain when I had my first baby. It was a difficult birth and the whole...
Kirsty’s Story
Kirsty turned to homeopathy to help her with a severe case of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This is her story… I have suffered with Premenstrual Tension (PMT)...
Melissa’s Story
When Melissa accidentally trod on a screw which went nearly all the way through her foot, she reached for her homeopathic first aid kit (warning graphic images below, some may...
Melissa Turner’s Story
Melissa Turner used homeopathy to help her recover from early menopause – and changed her life in the process In early 2013, I was feeling at a very low ebb but put it...
Sarah’s Story
Homeopathy was “absolutely life-changing” for Sarah’s teenage son when he developed serious behavioural problems “Luke is my middle child and I knew from birth that there...
Anita’s story
When Anita Atkinson had a near-fatal accident, homeopathy was key to her recovery… “In March 2020, I was climbing a ladder in my loft barn to retrieve some cutlery for a...
Melanie Williams
Singer-songwriter Melanie Williams was introduced to homeopathy in her early 20s. “I use homeopathy as a foundation to my health. I may dip and out of other therapies but...
Yolande’s story
When Yolande Diver reached a point where she couldn’t see any way forward, a homeopathic remedy pulled her from the brink & set her life on an unexpected new course. She...
Sue’s story
Sue explains how homeopathy helped manage the symptoms of severe rheumatoid arthritis. I've used homeopathy for many years, way back to when I developed myalgic encephalomyelitis...
Drew’s story
Drew began to suffer with eczema when he was around the age of one, with just small patches appearing on the insides of his elbows. These patches never went away and eventually...
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