
Dr Marysia Kratimenos outlines how homeopathy can alleviate this infection

Imagine having the need to go to the bathroom 20 or 30 times a day.

This is what a sufferer of cystitis goes through along often with a  burning sensation accompanying urination. Very few women will escape the  discomfort of this urinary tract infection. Around one in six women get  cystitis each year. Women tend to suffer from it as they have a short  urethra (the tube that passes from the bladder out of the body) and its  opening is located to very close to the anus making it easy for bacteria  from the anus to reach the bladder and cause an infection.

Symptoms can include one or more of the following:

Stinging or burning sensation when you pass urine

  • Stinging or burning sensation when you pass urine
  • The need to urinate more frequently and urgently, even if you pass little or no urine
  • General feeling of being unwell
  • Occasional blood in urine
  • Pain or tenderness in lower back or abdomen
  • Urine that is cloudy or dark coloured, and may have a strong smell.

Why homeopathy?

Homeopathy can be used successfully in tandem with conventional  treatment with antibiotics. Homeopathy is help­ful in building up the  constitution and so reducing the risk of recurrent attacks of cystitis. A  homeopath will take a detailed history to ensure that a suitable  homeopathic medicine is prescribed. A urine sample will be sent off for  analy­sis in a laboratory and a preliminary inspection of urine carried  out. A strong smell, cloudiness or the presence of small amounts of  blood suggests a bacterial infection. As GPs using conventional  treatment will usually wait for the results of the urine culture before  prescribing antibiotics in cases of cystitis where there is no fever or  obvious general illness, it is well worth trying a homeopathic rem­edy  in the meantime to alleviate dis­comfort.

If your temperature is very high and you find your pain extends to  the loins, beware as this may indicate the infec­tion has ascended to  the kidneys and medical intervention must be sought urgently. Prompt  medical attention is also warranted if there is blood in urine. Kidney  infection can lead to the scarring of kidneys so immediate treat­ment  with antibiotics is imperative.

A homeopathic consultation

Treatment with homeopathy comprises of a two-­pronged attack.  Firstly to treat the infection, and secondly to improve general health,  so averting further infections. The (deeper treatment) is best left to a  professional homeopath. For an acute attack a relatively high potency,  30c should be taken. It can be repeated every hour, decreasing the  frequency of the remedy as the symptoms improve. If there is no  improvement after two or four doses, sufferers should seek pro­fessional  homeopathic treatment.

The right homeopathic medicine


This is prescribed if the symptoms come on very suddenly and without  any warn­ing, often after a fright or exposure to cold. Diving into icy  water may bring on cystitis. There is a lot of fear and this may lead  to retention of urine. There is a sensation of pressure in the bladder  and burning before urination.

Arnica montana

Arnica is useful for treating cystitis that follows bruising  injuries of the perineum. It is therefore suitable for urinary prob­lems  following childbirth. There may be trouble emptying the bladder and  some involuntary dribbling.


This will help if you suffer from ago­nising pain before, during and  after uri­nation. Each drop of urine will feel like scalding acid and  there may be blood in it. Beside yourself with pain you will avoid  drinking so you won’t have to pass urine. Cantharis was well known to  the Marquis de Sade and his followers.

Nux vomica

This medicine is given when there is intense chilliness and the  person feels very irritable with the cystitis. There is a constant urge  to urinate and a sense that the bladder is full although tiny amounts of  urine are passed. Nux vom­ica is ideal when frequency is the  pre­dominate symptom. A constitutional Nux vomica is the typical Type A  person­ality – driven, ambitious and very com­petitive, with a short  fuse.


This is often prescribed for highly emotional and changeable shy  young females. As their fluid intake is small they are more prone to  urinary tract infec­tions. This remedy is also prescribed for older  women who are soft and yielding in character. They have a tendency to  cry while telling their tale and evoke sym­pathy in the listener. For  them the pain is worse when urination is delayed, and after urination.  The symptoms are change­able and the urine tends to spurt out.


This medicine is used for infection when the pain comes on after  urination. There may be some blood in the urine and severe symptoms of  cystitis. Sufferers usually find it is easier to pass urine while  standing up and there is tendency to urinary retention.


Sepia is suitable for recurrent urinary tract infections, especially  when there is a history of lots of antibiotic use and thrush. The woman  often loses her libido, because sex is painful and she fears cystitis  may result. The patient is often worn out by the recurrent infec­tions,  so exhausted by the struggle to keep going that she cries when  express­ing herself. Genital herpes may be also be present.


Honeymoon cystitis responds well to this remedy, as do urinary tract  infections that come on after pelvic examination, operation or labour.  It is prescribed where there is suppressed anger and grief. The anger is  hidden, the person appears mild tempered and gentle, yet there is often  a history of abuse or deep sorrow. Cystitis occurs after sex and the  pain is felt during and after urination.

Managing cystitis

    • Drink large amounts of water to flush out the infection.
    • Avoid tea and coffee as they can aggravate the symptoms.
    • Drink large amounts of cranberry juice  or take tables of cranberry concentrate as they make the urine too  acidic for the bacteria to thrive.
    • Likewise sachets of powder available at  pharmacies work on the same principle. Some make the urine less acidic  as they contain large amounts of bicarbonate.
    • Keep the bladder empty as holding on to urine will only make matters worse and encourage a more serious infection.
    • It is advisable to empty the bladder after sex to avoid infection.
    • Bathing and hygiene products such as talcum powder and perfumed soap should all be avoided as they irritate your urethra.
    • Don’t wear thongs or tight trousers; pure cotton underwear is best, as are stockings rather than tights.

Dr Marysia Kratimenos MB BS FRCS(ED) FFHOM


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