Yolande’s story

Yolande’s story

When Yolande Diver reached a point where she couldn’t see any way forward, a homeopathic remedy pulled her from the brink & set her life on an unexpected new course. She shares her story…. I discovered homeopathy around 20 years ago when I was pregnant with...
Sue’s story

Sue’s story

Sue explains how homeopathy helped manage the symptoms of severe rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve used homeopathy for many years, way back to when I developed myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) after catching the flu in 1989. Some years later, when I felt like I’d got my...
Drew’s story

Drew’s story

Drew began to suffer with eczema when he was around the age of one, with just small patches appearing on the insides of his elbows. These patches never went away and eventually the eczema spread down his forearms to his hands, which were very bad by the time he was...