- Clinical trial, with positive findings, on 80 patients treated for sinusitis at medical practices in Ukraine. Approximately half of the patients were randomly allocated to receive a combination homeopathic medicine, and the others received a dummy pill (placebo); they were not told which treatment group they were in. After 3 weeks, the patients who received the homeopathic medicine reported more improvement in sinusitis symptoms than those who received placebo. PubMed Link
- Clinical trial, with positive findings, on a total of 131 patients treated for long-term sinusitis by Ear Nose & Throat specialists in Germany. Approximately two thirds of the patients were randomly allocated to receive a homeopathic medicine called Euphorbium (in either of two different formulations), and the others received a dummy pill (placebo). They were not told which of the treatment groups they were in. After 5 months, the patients who received Euphorbium reported more improvement in sinusitis symptoms than those that received placebo.Weiser M, Clasen B (1994). Randomisierte plazebokontrolierte Doppelblindstudie zur Untersuchung der klinische Wirksamkeit der homöopathischen Euphorbium compositum-Nasentropfen S bei chronischer Sinusitis [Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of the clinical efficacy of the homeopathic Euphorbium compositum-S nasal spray in cases of chronic sinusitis]. Forschende Komplementärmedizin; 1:251–259.
- Clinical trial, with non-conclusive findings, on a total of 152 patients treated for sinusitis by doctors in Germany. Approximately three quarters of the patients were randomly allocated to receive a homeopathic medicine (in one of three different formulations); the other quarter received a dummy pill (placebo). They were not told which of the treatment groups they were in. After 3–4 weeks, there was no difference in the improvement of sinusitis symptoms that was reported from the four groups of patients. PubMed Link
- Clinical trial, with positive findings, on 107 patients treated for acute sinusitis by Ear Nose & Throat specialists in Ukraine. Approximately half of the patients were randomly allocated to receive a homeopathic medicine called Sinfrontal, and the others received a dummy pill (placebo); they were not told which treatment group they were in. After 1 week, the patients who received the homeopathic medicine reported less severe sinusitis symptoms than those who received placebo. PubMed Link
Monica Price shares insights on Homeopathy on Voice of Islam Radio
On 17th April, Chief Executive of Homeopathy UK, Monica Price was interviewed by Aneeq Ur Rehman and Tariq Bajwa on Voice of Islam Radio's Drive time show. It was an interesting conversation discussing the growing interest in homeopathy, what conditions it can help...