Coughs, colds & flu

Coughs, colds & flu

Homeopathy can alleviate the symptoms, writes Dr Jenifer Worden I would like to consider several homeopathic remedies and how they can combat winter colds and ills. However, before I do, I would like to  state that, as a doctor, I support vaccination for influenza for...
Dental Problems

Dental Problems

Phil Wander looks at common dental ailments The scope for homeopathy in dental  practice is broad. Help is at hand for a range of different ailments  people commonly experience – pain, discomfort, inflammation, bleeding.  It can have a role in calming dental...


Dr Marysia Kratimenos outlines how homeopathy can alleviate this infection Imagine having the need to go to the bathroom 20 or 30 times a day. This is what a sufferer of cystitis goes through along often with a  burning sensation accompanying urination. Very few women...