How homeopathy can help with stress

We’ve all felt stressed at some point, a common experience which affects us all differently. Some use stress for productivity, some avoid it and others just feel stuck. Regardless of where you are, homeopath Cheryl Peavoy suggests some remedies that may help.

What is stress?

Stress is a human response to tension, worry or a perceived threat. It triggers the adrenal glands to release a surge of adrenaline and cortisol to give you the energy to cope. This physical response can result in tense muscles, a racing heart, higher blood pressure, jittery body, dry mouth, acute hearing and vision and faster breathing. This is the rush of energy that is preparing you for fight or flight from a perceived danger. The problem is your body reacts the same way to stress regardless of the cause.

Chronic stress can have its roots in many problems but, ultimately, how intensely you experience your stress can be affected by adopting good practices and taking natural remedies. The most effective way of reducing stress is by re-establishing balance and harmony internally. Homeopathy is a therapy that works nicely alongside other therapies, such as counselling or energy work, that you may want to embark on.

Homeopathic remedies

There are thousands of remedies to choose from and the right one will match your nature, response to stress, experiences, history and preferences. Here are a few favourites to consider.

Kali Phos is a remedy for stress caused by mental strain at work or home. It helps relax an overstrained mind, especially for those feeling sad, irritable and restless. It is indicated for weakness, fatigue, stress headaches, oversensitivity to light and noise and sleeplessness due to stress. A tired-but-wired feeling may be present when dealing with life and stress.

Nux Vomica is a remedy for stress with irritability, impatience, easily offended, quarrelsome and with outbursts of anger. This person can overindulge in rich or spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, drugs, late nights and have workaholic tendencies. Other symptoms may include constipation, digestive problems, reflux/heartburn, oversensitivity to light, noise, and smell and sleeplessness.

Ignatia is a remedy for stress caused by grief or disappointment, such as from the loss of a loved one or employment, or anything that hasn’t turned out the way you expected. Symptoms may include persistent sadness, frequent weeping, desire to be alone, sighing, changeable mood, mental and physical exhaustion, difficulty concentrating and restless sleep. Other symptoms may include headaches, loss of appetite, constipation and muscle twitches or spasms.

Picric Acid is a remedy for when the chronic stress response has led to burnout or adrenal fatigue. Constant headaches can plague you and there is fatigue that you cannot shake off, with heaviness of limbs, and you want to spend your days sleeping. Brain fog may be present too, where you struggle to recall memories or remember day-to-day things and your zest for life has gone.

Buddleia davidii is a remedy for when there is just too much going on for you to be able to cope, and too many changes all at once lead to feeling overwhelmed and in a frozen state. You may withdraw, feeling unable to move forward, stuck in the situation and unable to handle life. This remedy can be incredibly useful for any traumatic event that has happened where there is a deep sense of grief and distress, a feeling of being unsafe and the result of being in a frozen state of the stress response.

Arsenic Album is a remedy for stress with restlessness and lots of anxiety, including anxiety attacks which may strike just after midnight, often with a fear of death. It can include perfectionism, wanting to control the environment, overthinking and worrying. There may be digestive problems such as loose bowels and burning pains. Trembling, constriction of the chest and difficulty in breathing may also be present.

Aconite is a useful remedy for stress which leads to panic attacks with a really strong fear of death in that moment. Anxiety with great restlessness, chest palpitations and a feeling of intense shock may also be present.

Coffea cruda is a remedy made from the coffee bean. If you can’t sleep due to stressful thoughts whirling around at an excessive rate, then this remedy could really help you to get a good night’s sleep. You can feel irritable, nervous, restless, overthinking things and oversensitive to pain and emotions.

Aurum Met is a remedy for where life has left you feeling depressed, a feeling that life is hopeless and the burden of responsibility is too much. The shine and sparkle of life has disappeared, leaving behind a deeply depressed state, and you may also feel suicidal.

Other ways to deal with stress

  • Movement – exercise stimulates endorphins (our feel-good hormones) so, when we are feeling good, it’s harder to spiral into a stress response.
  • A daily relaxation practice – for example journaling, meditation or breath work. Even five minutes of one of these activities daily is enough to start your day in a positive way with more resilience to stress.
  • Healthy diet – feeding your body with nutrients helps to maintain a positive relaxed mood so try to eat a variety of colourful, fresh foods and avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol and drugs.
  • Do something that you love – taking time for things that make your heart sing will help to release endorphins that can balance out your stress response.
  • Love – spending time with the people or pets that you love can help to bring feelings of happiness and relaxation which keep stress responses at bay.
  • Share – confide in a friend or professional therapist. This can help to form strategies to change your stress response in the longer term.
  • Daylight – getting exposure to natural light early in the day can help to regulate your circadian rhythm and give you more energy.
  • Good quality sleep – keep lights dim at night and avoid blue light screens in general in the evening. This helps your body to release the hormone melatonin which is needed for relaxation and to prepare for sleep.

If you would like help with stress, it’s best to consult a professional homeopath. Cheryl Peavoy works both online and in person and can be contacted via

You can also find a homeopath near you or learn more about our charitable homeopathy clinics.


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