Katie’s story

Katie’s story

When Katie developed severe anxiety, doctors were at a loss as to how to treat her. She explains how homeopathy helped when nothing else could. “Six years ago, all of a sudden, I got really ill. As a mother of three, I went from being someone who went out and...
Monty’s story

Monty’s story

When Sue Maclennan’s dog, Monty developed an aggressive form of bone cancer he was given 6 months to live. Almost three years later, she shares how homeopathy helped Monty’s remarkable recovery. In October 2017 my 12-year-old Labradoodle Monty stumbled over and hurt...
Melanie’s story

Melanie’s story

Melanie Baker, 45, had homeopathic fertility treatment to conceive her son who was born in December 2018. Here is her story: “In 2016 I was struggling to get pregnant after some tragic losses – two late losses and four early ones. It was really horrendous both...
Robert’s story

Robert’s story

After decades struggling with his mental health, Robert turned to homeopathy in desperation. Now 45, he shares how a visit to Homeopathy UK’s Edinburgh clinic helped boost his confidence and pave the way to a calmer future. I’ve suffered with anxiety and depression...
Alice’s story

Alice’s story

Alice Stainer explains how homeopathy cured her eczema  For as long as she can remember, Alice Stainer suffered from eczema. As a  small child she had patches behind her knees and in the folds of her  arms but it didn’t really impinge much on her life until she was 14...