Supporting new students with homeopathy
Leaving home to go to university or college is a positive new stage of any young person’s life, but it can also be physically and emotionally challenging. Fortunately, homeopathy can be of great assistance at this time, not only for students but also for their parents.


  • Nux vomica – the homeopathic standard for treating over indulgence and likely to be very useful for the first few weeks of university!



  • Silica is a useful remedy for anxious students, particularly those who are shy and may find meeting so many new people daunting.
  • For those who appear confident on the outside but are petrified that people will discover their inadequacies, turn to
  • Restless, anxious perfectionists may benefit from Arsenicum Album.



  • This is likely to affect all freshers at one time or another. It is completely normal and for most will be helped by the passage of time and a few phone calls home. However, if homesickness persists, homeopathy can help with remedies such as Capsicum, Ignatia and Phosphoric acid.


New routines:

  • For students who struggle to organise themselves, get out of bed and make it to their lectures, a dose or two of Sulphur can work wonders.
  • Others who find it difficult to join in with the general swing of things, or who feel that they are missing out on the fun, may become withdrawn and resentful. For this, Nat mur can often make things much easier.
  • And for any freshers who struggle to sleep with all the frenetic energy around them, Coffea can be an extremely useful remedy.


Academic challenges:

  • Many teenagers can find their confidence is knocked when surrounded by students who are as capable as they are. For this, Arsenicum, Lycopodium or Natrum Mur can be useful.


Not forgetting the parents:

  • For feelings of loss or grief, Ignatia is the classic remedy, particularly if they are experiencing weepiness and sleeplessness.
  • Staphisagria can be useful for parents who feel angry at the lack of contact with their children
  • Pulsatilla for parents who are feeling abandoned.


To buy remedy kits or individual remedies, go to a homeopathic pharmacy such as Helios, Ainsworths, Nelsons or Freemans.

To find a registered homeopath in your area, you can search by postcode.


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