Preparing for pregnancy the natural way

Homeopath and fertility expert Cassie Everett explores the benefits of taking an holistic approach to conception in this guest blog


Fertility is a complex subject and when there is a problem, it can be difficult to know where the issue lies. I feel strongly that
when something isn’t happening as it should, there must be a cause even when every test is telling you otherwise.

Our bodies are innately intelligent so if something like reproduction is simply not firing as it should there will be a reason. This may sound ridiculously obvious but with over 20% of conception problems being diagnosed as “unexplained infertility” (according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority), many people are left stranded in no man’s land not knowing what they can do to help themselves become pregnant.


The problem with modern lifestyles

This is where a holistic perspective comes into its own. I believe most couples have the potential to be fertile but our modern lifestyles often impair this. Human beings are very adaptable in nature, which is both good and bad: good because it is what makes us successful as a species; bad because we are capable of living in a state of un-wellbeing. We may get used to a feeling such as sluggishness, experiencing big energy lows or feeling emotionally down for no apparent reason.

Reproduction is viewed by the body as being at the bottom of the body’s priority list. So, if the body is out of balance in some way, it is less likely to allow conception to happen, as it will prioritise other organs and systems to survive.

As a homeopath, my aim is to thoroughly investigate and assess what is going on with a person, identifying what I feel may be hindering their reproductive status and drawing up a holistic plan to bring their body back into balance. I have been using homeopathy to help to boost fertility by balancing hormones for the last ten years. Homeopathy is an entire system of natural medicine. It is safe, natural and powerful.


Three common homeopathic remedies

There are thousands of different homeopathic remedies and they work by matching the symptoms of the person you are treating with the ‘symptom picture’ of the remedies. Ideally, people would have a consultation with a qualified and experienced homeopath who specialises in fertility / hormone balance. I am going to list three homeopathic treatments that are generally commonly used for fertility issues:

Pulsatilla 30 – ideal for those feeling very emotional, who cry easily, are changeable, need support and feel they aren’t coping well. Pulsatilla is especially useful for treating amenorrhea (absent periods).

Sepia 30 – for those feeling detached or ‘dragged down’ and who tend to get irritable before their period. Sepia is great for treating fibroids, cysts and PCOS.

Natrum Mur 30 – ideal for private people who often hang on to old resentments (even from a very long time ago).  It can also help with the monthly disappointment of not conceiving and be good for balancing irregular cycles.

Remedies can be purchased in a health food shop or homeopathic pharmacy but for best results, always see a qualified homeopath who specialises in fertility.


About Cassie

Cassie has been a practising homeopathy for over 16 years and is registered with the ARH (Alliance of Registered Homeopaths). Cassie suffered from terrible acne in her 20s and after trying everything recommended by her GP, asked to try something more natural.  She was referred to the homeopathic hospital in London and six months later, not only had the acne disappeared, she was inspired to train as a homeopath herself.  Cassie has been treating infertility for over ten years through her fertility programme.  She is also a Natural Family Planning Teacher and an accredited therapist for the Foresight Association, which offers specialist services for people wishing to conceive.

For more information, visit Cassie Everett | Imagine Falling Pregnant Naturally – Cassie Everett Homeopath


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