Leaving a gift to charity in your will

Leaving a gift to charity in your will

Remember A Charity’s annual campaign takes place 5-11 September this year, encouraging more people to consider leaving a gift to charity in their will after taking care of their loved ones.

As a small charity, the simple fact is that Homeopathy UK would not exist without the generosity of our supporters.  All the work we have undertaken and funded over the years has been a direct result of legacy gifts. Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most meaningful ways you can help us to continue our great work, promoting homeopathy to the next generation of patients and practitioners

For example, it was a generous bequest that enabled us to open our very first charitable clinic in Norwich. This was the blueprint for further clinics and we now run nine around the UK, providing free homeopathic treatment to people who would otherwise be unable to access it.

Some common misconceptions

However, we do know that there are some common myths and misconceptions around leaving a gift to charity in your will, including:

Myth 1
Leaving money to charity is something only rich and famous people do.

Any donation makes a difference to the vital work we do and even small amounts can have a huge impact.

Myth 2

My family go without if I leave some of my estate to charity.

A legacy gift can be a small percentage of your estate after your loved ones are taken care of.

Myth 3

What I can afford to leave won’t make any real difference anyway.

Leaving a gift in your will has a tremendous impact, so small, medium or large amounts make all the difference.

Myth 4

Gifts get taxed.

Leaving money to charity in your will is tax free and doesn’t count towards the taxable value of your estate. If you leave 10% or more of the value of your total estate to charity, the tax on the rest of your estate will go down from 40% to 36%.

Myth 5

I’ve already made my will and I can’t change it.


You can update your Will at any time by making an official alteration called a codicil.  People update their Wills for several reasons, such as getting married, having children or grandchildren, or buying a first home.

Myth 6

Making a Will is complicated and long-winded.

A Will is the only way to make sure your money, property, possessions and investments (known as your estate), go to the people and causes you care about. We recommend you take advice from a legal professional to ensure that your wishes are clear and your affairs in order.

Myth 7

You can’t leave gifts to small charities.

You can leave a gift to any organisation you please. In order to claim tax relief the charity must be registered.


For more information about Remember a Charity Week, visit https://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/about-us/remember-a-charity-week/

To make a donation to our charity please click here or read more here


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