How to treat anxiety the natural way

Homeopath Cheryl Peavoy explains how homeopathic remedies can relieve the symptoms of anxiety.

In our fast-paced world, anxiety has become increasingly prevalent and now affects millions of people globally. ‘Anxiety’ is an umbrella term for a range of disorders that impact mental and physical health, but homeopathy can be used to relieve symptoms.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a response to stress, danger or perceived threats. This feeling is closely related to natural fear responses and most people will experience occasional bouts. It is a complex condition and can quickly become overwhelming.

Anxiety often manifests in response to heightened negative emotions and can bring about physical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms. These include a rapid heartbeat, trembling and dizziness, physical and mental fatigue, procrastination (or similar avoidance behaviours), indecision and an inability to concentrate or process instructions.

Anxiety occurs with different degrees of severity and symptoms. One of the most common is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which is characterised by persistent and excessive worry that causes mental and physical tension. Social Anxiety Disorder causes individuals to avoid social situations out of fear of being criticised, judged or embarrassed.

More severe iterations include Panic Disorder or Phobias. Individuals with the former may suffer from panic attacks – sudden and intense episodes of fear that can cause physical discomfort such as chest pains and shortness of breath. Phobias are also characterised by extreme fear which is directed toward a particular object, situation or activity.

How can homeopathy help?

The toll that persistent anxiety causes on mental and physical health cannot be overlooked. It can lead to insomnia, chronic headaches, hormonal imbalances or digestive issues, all of which will have a detrimental effect.

Treating anxiety holistically can help ease physical symptoms, which in turn can soothe mental effects. These gentle, natural and non-invasive treatments are tailored to a patient’s specific needs, stimulating the body’s natural healing capabilities. A homeopathic practitioner will consider the whole person in order to find the underlying issue. Addressing the root cause will improve the body’s resilience and help to bring about long-lasting relief and well-being. 


These are the best remedies to treat anxiety, based on specific symptoms. Please note that it is always best to consult a registered homeopath for the most individualised treatment possible.

  • Aconitum napellus: for sudden and intense physical and mental symptoms of anxiety and fear and the first remedy to consider for panic attacks, or after a shock.
  • Arsenicum album: for treating intense health anxiety and hypochondria. People needing this remedy may feel a strong need for order, control and security.
  • Pulsatilla: for when people may need extra reassurance or comfort. The person feel insecure and may appear moody or tearful. This is a key remedy to consider if symptoms are worse around puberty, menstrual periods or menopause.
  • Argentum nitricum: for anxiety that develops before an event such as an exam, an interview, public appearance or asocial engagement. Can also help soothe physical symptoms such as digestive issues.
  • Calcarea carbonica: for hard-working individuals who may have become overwhelmed either by work, responsibility or physical illness. They may also experience fatigue and confusion, which adds to the anxiety.
  • Ignatia: for anxiety caused by emotional trauma such as grief or loss. Individuals may feel more sensitive than usual and experience mood swings and may also have abdominal cramps or headache.
  • Gelsemium: for those experiencing stage-fright or other kinds of paralysing fear related to public situations, often accompanied by feelings of faintness, trembling and chills.
  • Phosphorus: for sociable, open-hearted people who burn themselves out caring for others. They may become frazzled or scattered and less productive than usual.

Cheryl Peavoy is a registered homeopath and Natural Health Specialist. For more information or to book an appointment with Cheryl, visit:

You can use your postcode to search for a registered homeopath near you. 


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