Meet Homeopathy UK’s new Chief Executive

Monica Price has joined the UK’s leading charity for the promotion of homeopathy to help take the charity forward and secure the future of homeopathy for future generations. We caught up with new CEO Monica to find out more about her and her plans for the charity.

Welcome, Monica! When did you first become interested in homeopathy?

I have always been interested in health and wellbeing. After completing my degree in Nutritional Therapy, I soon came to learn that homeopathy is an essential part of complementary medicine and have valued it ever since.

Where did you work before joining H-UK?

I was CEO of the Federation of Holistic Therapists prior to taking the role at H-UK. I’m also a qualified nutritional therapist and have spent decades as a health and wellbeing expert for the UK media. I also write regularly for Great British Life magazines, Velvet Lifestyle and ABC Early Years magazines. In addition, I have many years’ experience working at a senior level in a wide array of businesses, including British Airways PLC, Bluebird Care Group, Towergate Insurance, Peninsula Group and British Allied Trades Federation (BATF).

What first attracted you to the CEO role?

My love of complementary medicine working alongside conventional medicine. I truly believe that homeopathy has a place amongst conventional medicine and that an integrated approach to healthcare is the way forward. I intend to drive the charity forward through 2024 and beyond.

What are you most excited about?

Meeting like-minded people who have a passion for homeopathy and learning more about the value it has in our world.

Do you have a favourite remedy?

I always have Arnica in my cupboard! I also wouldn’t be without my Bach Rescue Remedy and I use lavender oils for a good night’s sleep. I am continually impressed at just how much homeopathic treatments can work with anyone of any age.

What has been your proudest moment to date – professionally or personally?

I had the honour and privilege to meet with the then HRH Prince of Wales to discuss integrative medicine and complementary medicine at Clarence House. The now King Charles III is a huge supporter of homeopathy and complementary medicine.

Outside of work, do you have any interesting or unusual hobbies?

I love to take scenic photographs and have usually got my camera at the ready!


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