Banish the Winter Blues with Homeopathy

In this guest blog, registered homeopath Rachael Riches explores the effects that the change in seasons can have on us and how homeopathy can help.

With the shorter days, lack of sunshine, wind, rain and snow it’s all too common to feel sad and unmotivated. These feelings can start to linger and develop into winter depression. Homeopathy can give you a helping hand to banish these winter blues safely and gently, so you can enjoy the winter months rather than dread them.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression which typically starts to appear in autumn and may continue until March or April. In the spring, symptoms lift followed by a mild state of euphoria. Symptoms vary in intensity and can include:

  • Feeling listless, sad or down most of the day, nearly every day
  • Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Having low energy and feeling sluggish
  • Having problems with sleeping too much
  • Experiencing carbohydrate cravings, overeating and weight gain
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty


There are several theories as to why some people suffer with winter depression. One explanation is the impact the reduction in sunlight has on the brain. Serotonin production reduces and melatonin production increases which affects our mood and sleeping patterns. Our body naturally starts to slow down, but our lifestyle and life requirements don’t.

In the natural world, winter is the season of rest, hibernation and an opportunity to rebuild energy for the spring and summer. Winter is a time to be still and reflect on our inner world. Our modern lives do not make much, or any, allowance for this. We find ourselves at odds with our innate natural drive to slow down and turn inwards, as the demands of our lives to keep going. We become exhausted but we don’t have the opportunity to slow down and rest. We may get physically ill and be forced to rest, or we may become ill in different ways which slows us down and we feel depleted physically and emotionally.

We can’t hibernate but we can make small changes which can make a big difference.

As much as we may like too, it’s not possible to switch off and hibernate for the winter. But we can make small changes in our lives to accommodate the change in our energy levels during the winter months.

Homeopathic help for the winter blues

You can treat an acute episode of SAD – one that comes on after an unusually long period without sunshine – with self-prescribed homeopathic remedies. You may find these remedies helpful:

SOL – Sunlight! For exhaustion, oversleeping, tired on waking and day time irritability. Generally feeling very cold and cannot get warm. There can be feelings of irritability, emotional sensitivity, impatience, and weeping. Everything feels better for a hot bath and a short nap.

AMBER – For dullness of mind, forgetfulness, aversion to company yet fearful of being alone. Conversation and noise in general can be irritating. Sleepiness in the day and sleeplessness at night. The winter months can feel very claustrophobic for some as we can’t get out and about as much.

AURUM METALLICUM – Gold. For feelings of hopelessness, despondency and melancholy. For some, it can be difficult to see past the dark winter months to the spring and summer. Aurum can bring some light to the dark days.

KALI PHOS – The cell salt for fatigue of body and mind. This wonderful cell salt maybe just the “pick me up” that’s needed to help through the winter months where there is significant fatigue both mentally and physically. It’s a fabulous brain and nerve tonic.

CALENDULA – The sunshine flower. This remedy is well known for use in healing wounds, but can also help with seasonal low mood. Calendula supports liver function and lymphatic congestion. Health liver and lymph function is important for immune function, energy levels and stable moods.

Are your symptoms seasonal or longer lasting?

It is not recommended to self-prescribe for long-term (chronic) depression and low mood. If your symptoms return year after year – or last longer than the winter months – please seek professional help. Seasonal depression which returns each year may be part of a deeper issue which needs to be explored with the support and guidance of a homeopath or suitable therapist.

Rachael works online and from a clinic space near Bromley, South East London, helping patients all over the world to find their way back to full health.

Rachael Riches Homeopathy

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