What to expect at your first homeopathic consultation

If you are new to homeopathy, your first consultation will probably be very different to other medical appointments you have had. For a start, it is likely to be much longer and the questions asked will extend beyond those of the immediate problem. In this blog post, we look at what to expect at your first consultation, so you are fully prepared.

A complete picture of you

Your first consultation will take between one and a half to two hours.  The homeopath will need this amount of time to gather a complete picture of you and your condition. They will ask you detailed questions in order to:

  • Clarify the chief complaint(the reason for your visit) as well as your health goals and priorities.
  • Understand what current or past treatment you’ve had, plus any formal diagnosis or pathology results
  • Investigate the symptoms related to your chief complaint, including onset, location, anything that aggravates or ameliorates it.
  • Take a broader health history, including investigating potential causes for the current symptoms, past health complaints and family health history.
  • Obtain information about your general physical, emotional and mental state, covering sleep, energy levels, diet, stress levels, etc.

Follow up appointments are usually around 30 minutes and provide an opportunity to update your practitioner on changes to your health.

Homeopathic medicines (also known as remedies)

The most important thing to remember is that a remedy is only a catalyst.  It acts as a starter and your own immune system takes it from there.

Your practitioner will prescribe a remedy the most closely matches your unique pattern of symptoms. You will either be given your remedy at the appointment, or your homeopath will order it from one of the homeopathic pharmacies who will post it to your home within a few days.

Remedies come in tablet, powder or liquid form and like most medicines, they need to be stored safely and appropriately in a cool dark place, away from direct heat and sunlight.

The remedies will come with clear instructions – make sure to read and follow these carefully.  You should avoid ingesting anything (food, drink, toothpaste, mints, mouthwash etc) for 30-60 minutes before and after taking your homeopathic medicine.

After taking your medicine

Patients often report a change to their mental or emotional state – they may feel a sense of wellbeing, optimism and relaxation.  It’s very common for babies and children to fall asleep after taking a remedy, which is a sign that it is working.

The speed with which you feel relief will depend on the condition being treated and how you individually respond to homeopathy.

In acute ailments, this can be very fast indeed but in more chronic conditions, your recovery rate will depend on the nature and duration of the illness and on your individual vitality.  Patience is key here.  There are rarely any “quick fixes” particularly when conventional medications are also (or have been) taken.

Next will be the physical changes. These will occur in a certain order, rather than all at once.  When an issue is resolving, it will move out (like the ripples in a pond) rather than simply disappearing.

You may also experience an aggravation – the temporary appearance of new symptoms or intensification of existing ones. These occur as part of the initial rebalancing effect and are harmless, mild and usually short-lived.

Remember, your homeopath will be able to provide personalised support and advice at every stage of your treatment.

To find a registered homeopath near you, visit https://homeopathy-uk.org/find-a-homeopath-search/


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