Monica Price Show
Exclusive TV interviews with Monica Price from 100th Congress in Edinburgh

The Faculty of Homeopathy celebrated its significant 100th Congress at the Surgeons Quarter in Edinburgh, Scotland, in November 2024.

Monica Price, the CEO of Homeopathy UK, conducted television interviews for a special Homeopathy edition of the Monica Price show, which aired on XPTV1 on January 9th.

Watch now to explore the insightful conversations on homeopathy, featuring prominent practitioners from various countries, including India, Hong Kong, and the USA.

The following international experts were interviewed:

  • Dr Issac Mathai – Founder & Medical Director, Soukya Holistic Health Centre
  • Dr Gary Smyth – President, Faculty of Homeopathy
  • Dr Helen Beaumont – Past President, Faculty of Homeopathy
  • Dr Elizabeth Thompson – CEO and Integrative Medicine Physician, NCIM
  • Dr Lee Kayne – Pharmacist and Independent Publisher
  • Dr Lisa Amerine – President, American Institute of Homeopathy
  • Professor Aaron To Ka Lun – Founder, Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy
  • Dr Marliese Symons – Chiropractic Doctor and Classical Homeopath


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