Liverpool Homeopathy
Welcome to Liverpool Homeopathy – a charitable clinic offering low-cost appointments to people in the Liverpool area. The clinic is run by GP and homeopath Dr Hugh Nielsen (registered with the Faculty of Homeopathy), Nurse Emma McEvoy (registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths) and Robin Grenfell Cowan (registered with the Society of Homeopaths).
Appointments are available 9.30am-12.30pm on Wednesday at:
47 Rodney Street
L1 9EW
First appointments are £20 and follow-up appointments (four maximum) are £10. The first prescription is free of charge and patients pay for subsequent prescriptions (usually between £7 – £18).

Dr. Hugh Nielsen BA(Oxon), MA, BM, BCh, MRCP, FFHom
Hugh is a GP and homeopathic doctor who has used homeopathy alongside conventional medicine for over 25 years.

Emma McEvoy BA, DipHomMed, DSH, MARH
Emma has been a homeopath for more than 20 years. She has diplomas in classical and shamanic homeopathy.

Robin Grenfell Cowan RSHom
I came to homeopathy from the SME business world in 1996. I have been in practice for over 25 years, have taught at various homeopathy colleges throughout the UK, studied worldwide with other leading homeopaths, organised the buyout of the North West College Of Homeopathy in Manchester and was Vice Chairman for several years and set up the Liverpool clinic with Homeopathy UK and the Liverpool Friends of Homeopathy. I am also a qualified counsellor with a particular interest in Family Therapy.
“I adore the privilege of hearing my patients’ unique life stories and knowing that, if I do my job properly, all that I am is a prescriber who gives them a remedy which matches their totality as an individual. This catalysis allows them to become the best possible version of themselves: I simply hear them and hold the mirror whilst they live the process. Homeopathy feels like magic and is truly magical but it is founded on strong evidence based scientific principles.”
Homeopathy UK is funded entirely by our supporters. We are very grateful for donations of any size to help us continue our work.
For information about our other clinics please click here.