Sarah’s Story

Homeopathy was “absolutely life-changing” for Sarah’s teenage son when he developed serious behavioural problems


“Luke is my middle child and I knew from birth that there was something different about him. As a baby, he screamed non-stop and didn’t meet any of the usual milestones. By the time he was two-years-old, I was really struggling to cope and made an appointment with a homeopath to help me manage my stress levels.

I took Luke with me to my first appointment with homeopath Zoe Scanlan.  During the consultation, she said that she might also be able to help him. I was a bit sceptical but Zoe prescribed a remedy and within two days, Luke was like a different child. It was truly astounding.

By this time, Luke had been diagnosed with autism but, with the help of the remedies, his behaviour was manageable and family life continued happily.

Violent tantrums for hours

Then when Luke turned 14, things took a turn for the worse. During lockdown he’d become addicted to gaming.  He was also showing hoarding behaviours and exhibiting signs of body dysmorphia. Whenever I tried to persuade him to come away from his PlayStation he became violent, destroying furniture and punching walls.

Over the next six months, Luke’s behaviour became increasingly worrying. He had violent tantrums which sometimes went on for hours at a time. His brothers were scared of him and it was having a hugely negative impact on the whole family.

Because Luke’s behaviour was so extreme, it didn’t occur to me that something as gentle as homeopathy could possibly help. But eventually I was so desperate that I called Zoe. Because of lockdown, we had to do the consultation online but Zoe prescribed Tuberculinum 200c and, within less than a week, Luke was once again a different person.

Homeopathy saved our family

The tantrums stopped and the body dysmorphia and hoarding vanished. Luke wasn’t even phased when his PlayStation broke! More than that, he became communicative and helpful. When he offered to make someone a sandwich – which would have been inconceivable before – I knew we’d really turned a corner!

I’m blown away by how powerful homeopathy can be. It’s been absolutely life-changing and I’d like to thank Zoe from the bottom of my heart for saving our family.”

Zoe Scanlan SDS Hom is a qualified homeopath, registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. For more information please visit

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