Janice used homeopathy to help with her chronic fatigue and mobility issues
“When I was a student, I was involved in a really bad car crash. I was crossing the road when a drunk driver raced through a red traffic light. I went over the top of the car and although nothing was broken, I did wreck and twist my pelvis.
The effects of the accident were devastating. Anything related to the pelvic area of my body was seriously impacted, including bowels and periods. I had been mad keen on sport, but that all stopped. For years, I struggled to work even part time and as time went on, my life became more and more limited.
I was able to be myself with Dr Raggoo
Over time, I also started to suffer from chronic fatigue and was diagnosed with ME. I have a sensitivity to medication so tend to go down the alternative medicine route. Osteopathy and acupuncture helped enormously but over the last six years, the ME has worsened. I have had no social life and am unable to do things most people would take for granted like go for a walk, go out for a meal, go to the cinema, shopping or holidays.
I decided to try homeopathy and a friend recommended Norwich Homeopathy with Dr Raggoo. The first thing I noticed was that I was able to discuss medical issues in much more depth that I have ever with my own GPs. I always feel rushed and cut corners to save them time. With Dr Raggoo, I was able to be myself, so I was much more honest.
I don’t how or why it works, but if you get the right remedy it’s miraculous!
Over five sessions, Dr Raggoo prescribed me several remedies and the effects of these have been astonishingly clear.
Even with a chronic illness, there is a world of difference between feeling very unwell every day and having a sense of wellbeing. The Arnica put me in the latter category – I breathe better, my joints loosen, my diaphragm releases and I have more energy.
I feel much more in control, particularly with the knowledge that I don’t have to take medication every day. The fact that the remedies don’t have side effects is extremely reassuring.
It’s very much an ongoing journey but exploring homeopathy has left me hopeful for the future. I don’t how or why it works, but if you get the right remedy it’s miraculous!”
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