Anita’s story

When Anita Atkinson had a near-fatal accident, homeopathy was key to her recovery…


“In March 2020, I was climbing a ladder in my loft barn to retrieve some cutlery for a Mother’s Day tea. I had climbed this ladder hundreds of times before but the last thing I remember was being about ten feet up…

When I came to, I was being lifted from the concrete floor by my husband. I later found out he had discovered me lying unconscious in a pool of blood. I felt very sick and couldn’t stand up – my legs felt like they didn’t belong to me.

The paramedics arrived a short time later and diagnosed a suspected bleed on the brain. I was rushed to Durham Hospital by ambulance.

Discharged without mediation or advice

I spent three days in hospital undergoing brain scans. During this time, I was vomiting continuously and had a splitting headache.  I was discharged – with no medication or advice – because the hospital was expecting an influx of Covid patients.

When I returned home, I was in a bad way. I couldn’t walk and the vomiting and headache continued.  My back and shoulders ached like hell and to make matters worse, I had a painful broken thumb. Because of Covid I was unable to reach my GP, so I had no support whatsoever.

My daughter Ruth was becoming increasingly concerned and contacted her homeopath Zoe Scanlan. Two days later, Zoe had sent an Injury Mix comprising Arnica, Bellis, Symphytum, Hypericum, Calendula, Nat Sulph and Ipecac.  Zoe also provided some very sound general advice. My other daughter Gemma was staying with me and administered the Injury Mix according to Zoe’s instructions.

A week later, I was out of bed although I felt a bit unsteady on my feet. I still had brain fog and sickness but these were much improved. Two weeks on, I felt sufficiently recovered to venture outside and decided to stop taking the Injury Mix – big mistake! I had a relapse and found myself back in bed. I immediately started taking the remedies again until the course was finished.


Homeopathy is the way forward for all ailments

Just ten weeks after the accident I was well enough to return to work as a Presiding Justice Magistrate, managing the 50-mile-round trip with ease. My brain fog had gone and I was as sharp as before.

I know for certain that Zoe’s homeopathic treatment aided my swift recovery from what could have been a fatal accident. At the very least, I’m sure I would have been bedridden for much longer.  I have since recommended Zoe to many other people and will never be dissuaded from the belief that homeopathy is the way forward for all ailments and conditions.”

Zoe Scanlan SDS Hom is a qualified homeopath, registered with the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths.
For more information on her please visit
To find a homeopath in your area visit Find a Homeopath 

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