Eye conditions

Eye conditions

From styes to conjunctivitis, community pharmacist Carol Jackson advises on the most appropriate treatment Maybe you have seen the tele­vision  adverts for a “new” eye drop available over-the-counter for  conjunctivitis. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol, a...
Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal Symptoms

How homeopathy can help with menopausal symptoms by Dr Jenifer Worden The menopause is that stage  of a woman’s life when her repro­ductive system starts to wind down,  causing a wide range of symptoms, some of which can be very distressing  and debilitating. The vast...


How homeopathy can help by Dr Jacqueline Mardon Many people are genetically pre­disposed  to allergies – this is known as atopy and you often see allergies such  as eczema, asthma and hay fever running in families. Atopy is becoming  more common and the rea­sons for...