by Sarah Indranie | Jan 17, 2022
By Dr Russell Malcolm Problems with the respiratory tract are the most common reason for patients visiting their GPs. This is because our system of airways is a very vulnerable interface with our environment. Consequently it is a way in for viruses, bacteria,...
by Sarah Indranie | Jan 17, 2022
By Dr Tom Whitmarsh The nervous system can encompass so much. Neurology has to do with any dysfunction of the nervous system, but is generally not held to include those conditions traditionally thought of as psychiatric, such as depression, schizophrenia and...
by Sarah Indranie | Jan 17, 2022
Treating severe aches & pains conventionally may bring unwanted side effects. Homeopathy has much to offer, says Dr Janet Gray Some of the most common presentations in general practice are problems of pain in joints and muscles. Sometimes these problems are...
by Sarah Indranie | Jan 17, 2022
How homeopathy can be an effective treatment Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) is multisystem autoimmune disease. This means that the symptoms are caused by the immune system attacking the body, and almost every organ can be affected. Lupus (Latin for wolf)...
by Sarah Indranie | Jan 17, 2022
Phil Wander looks at common dental ailments The scope for homeopathy in dental practice is broad. Help is at hand for a range of different ailments people commonly experience – pain, discomfort, inflammation, bleeding. It can have a role in calming dental...
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