In January, NHS England launched its Pharmacy First scheme, enabling patients to get treatment for seven common conditions directly from their local pharmacy without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.
The aim is to provide patients with quick and accessible care – and also to ease pressure on GP services. But recent reports suggest that pharmacies themselves are under increasing pressure, with many community pharmacies being lost at a rapid rate. Between July 2017 and July 2023, 914 pharmacies closed, with those in deprived communities accounting for 40% of these losses.
So – could homeopathy provide a more effective and sustainable solution?
Impetigo – for acute impetigo, some of the main remedies to consider depending on specific symptoms are Sulphur (blisters that itch and burn), Silicea (painful blisters, which might get infected when broken) and Arsen Alb (blisters that are made worse by scratching). More chronic cases should be seen by a qualified homeopath.
Bites – useful remedies to try include Apis Mel (burning, stinging pains), Cantharis (intense burning and stinging), Hypericum (shooting pains from site of bite) and Ledum (stabbing pains).
Shingles – some remedies to consider are Apis Mel (especially when on the face); Arsen Alb (for burning pains, worse after midnight); Graphites (large blisters often on the left side of the chest); Lachesis (marked pains; sharp pains); Rhus Tox (red, itchy rash – might be on the scalp).
Sinusitis – treatment depends on whether it is an acute or chronic condition. Acute is likely to have strong symptoms such as pain, fever and nasal discharge. Kali Bic (thick, yellowy and stringy mucus) and Belladonna (violent, sudden onset).
Sore throat – Aconite (take at the first sign of the sore throat – burning or dry throat with soreness upon swallowing); Belladonna (angry, red throat – burns like fire); Gelsemium for a sore throat that comes on more gradually with exhaustion; Phosphorus for a dry, painful throat that makes talking difficult and is worse in cold air.
Middle ear inflammation – Aconite if it came on suddenly; Belladonna when there is redness of the ear and might also have a high fever and throbbing pain; Chamomilla for painful earache which might lead to irritability.
Uncomplicated UTIs – The decision to use remedies should be based upon the severity of the UTI – most uncomplicated UTIs can be managed without needing any remedies. Apis Mel (stinging, burning pains), Cantharis (sudden onset), Nux Vom (burning pain in bladder especially at night) and Staphysagria might be indicated by cystitis.
Homeopathy UK runs a network of nine charitable clinics around the UK, offering free (or low cost) treatment to people in need.