Luci Lawless from our Scottish Borders clinic
Meet Luci Lawless from our Scottish Borders clinic

Luci heads up Scottish Borders Homeopathy, which opened in February.  We met up with her to find out more about her homeopathy journey…

Luci’s interest in homeopathy started early and she has been a licensed practitioner since 1998. She studied for four years at the Edinburgh College of Classical Homeopathy, followed by a year of dissertations and clinical practice at the North West College of Homeopathy, in order to achieve accreditation with the Society of Homeopaths.

What first interested you in homeopathy?

My father had long-term health problems – including tuberculosis (TB) and very poor mental health – and seeing my parents struggle with this really affected me when I was growing up. My mother could see that the aggressive treatment he was receiving for the TB was making his mental health worse, as well as depleting his health in other ways. It was also interesting to see that, although she nursed my father through his bouts of TB, my mother never suffered from it herself, which made me think about what I now know as individual susceptibility – the theory that a person’s resistance to disease may be affected by factors such as diet and lifestyle. In my late teens, I was looking for a natural system of medicine that focused on – and had respect for – the individual. When I stumbled across homeopathy, I knew I needed to find out more.

Who was your first patient?

A 28-year-old man who came to see me with his mother. He was having such difficulty with anger and relationships that he was on the verge of divorcing his wife. Thanks to the remedy I prescribed, things changed quickly for him – he was able to interact with people with more ease and was at much less risk of violent outbursts. His whole family were enormously relieved and, best of all, he and his wife stayed married.

What is the best part of your job?

It is a privilege when people feel comfortable enough to open up and tell me their story, often commenting “I have never told anyone this before”. I find that once people feel they have been truly listened to, they are able to come to their own conclusions about what they need to move towards health.

And the worst?

Being indoors! I am a very active person and thrive being out in nature, so I do sometimes find it challenging to be inside for long periods of time. I make sure that I build in some outdoor tasks throughout my day so that I can get away from my desk, whatever the weather! I also have a desk with a hillside view which helps.

What has been the most memorable moment in your career to date?

Joining the Society of Homeopaths. Homeopathy can be an isolating job and being in the Society of Homeopaths gives me plenty of support, from up-to-date information such as new research to professional advice and events like seminars and conferences.

Who was your greatest teacher/mentor?

I was so inspired by the lecturers at the Edinburgh College – it felt like the world suddenly made sense to me. David Mundy is a teacher I particularly remember from that time, but I am also inspired today by the likes of Dr Jonathan Hardy and Geoff Johnson at the National College for Integrative Medicine.

Name one remedy you couldn’t live without.

It’s almost impossible to choose a single remedy but a few standouts from my first aid kit would be Arnica for the time I was run over by a horse, Ledum for the day my son put a pitchfork through his foot, Cantharis for when I burnt my neck with hair straighteners, and Apis for when I was stung repeatedly by a wasp on my finger.

What would you be if you were not a homeopath?

From a young age I dreamt of being a self-sufficient smallholder and I am on the road to that now. I live in a rural area and grow my own vegetables and herbs, although I am new to this and very much still learning! I also keep hens and am planning to have a go at beekeeping in the not-too-distant future.

What advice would you give your younger self?

True knowledge comes from experience – no amount of reading or study can prepare you for the reality of life, so just jump in. Also, try to find a balance between taking your time and procrastinating – easier said than done!



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